UIDAI has recently launched its new feature by which you can lock and temporarily unlock your biometrics of Aadhaar cards through UIDAI website.
This facility aims to strengthen privacy and confidentiality of Resident's Biometrics Data.
Once you have locked your Aadhaar number, then authentication services using any method, i.e. demographic, biometric or OTP (one-time password) based, cannot be done using Aadhaar number.
Who and when to lock Biometrics?
Any resident with valid Aadhaar should be able to use the service. This feature empowers an Aadhaar holder to lock biometric.
After locking biometrics if a UID is used for invoking any of the Authentication services using a biometric modality (Fingerprint/Iris) a specific error code '330' indicating biometrics are locked.

How to Unlock (locked)Biometrics?
Once resident enables Biometric Locking system their biometric remains locked till the Aadhaar Holder chose to:
Unlock it (which is temporary )
Disable the Locking system
Note: Registered Mobile Number is essential to avail this service. In case your mobile number is not registered with Aadhaar visit the nearest Enrolment Centre/Mobile Update End Point.
What happens when Biometric is locked?
Locked Biometrics ensures the Aadhaar holder will not be able to use their Biometrics (fingerprints/iris) for authentication.
What Biometric can be locked?
Fingerprint and iris data in Resident’s Aadhaar used for authentication can be locked.
What is Biometric Locking?
Biometric Locking/Unlocking is a service that allows an Aadhaar holder to lock and temporarily unlock their biometrics. This facility aims to strengthen privacy and confidentiality of Resident's Biometrics Data.
So your data is more secure now.
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