Registration under GST
Registration is the fundamental requirement for identification of Taxpayers for ensuring GST compliances.
Under GST, registration need to be taken state-wise. No concept of centralized registration under GST except the entities having UIN (unique identification no) like international organizations, foreign countries, foreign embassy etc.

Example 1 Mr. A has 2 business: -
(1) Laptop shop in Rajouri garden (Delhi)
(2) Furniture shop in Tilak Nagar (Delhi)
Whether Mr. A has to obtain single registration or separate registration?
Solution: - Mr. A has option either to obtain to single registration or obtain separate registration for each place of business.
Threshold Limit for Registration under GST: - Every Person liable to be registered under GST if Aggregate Turnover *exceed the below limits: -

Telangana & Uttarakhand
c) 40 Lakh for the rest of states
Important Note: - 1. In case of Ice- cream, Pan masala & Tobacco Products limit is 20 Lakh except for Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland & Tripura. For these 4 states limit is 10 Lakh.
2. Registration is compulsory in case of inter-state outward supply irrespective of aggregate turnover.

Example: -
Time limit for Issue R.C: -
1. GST registration is granted within 3 working days from the date of submission of application, if application found in order with respect to information & documents.
2. If application found to be deficit with regard to information & document, then Proper officer will issue notice within 3 working days from submission of application.
Note: - If no action by officer in 3 working days – Deemed Registration
3. Applicant reply within 7 working days from receipt of notice.
If Reply found satisfactory – R.C issues If Reply found not satisfactory/No reply – Reason
Within 7 days from receipt of reply. Of Rejection intimate to Applicant.
Note: - If No action taken within 7 days by Proper officer-- Deemed Registration
Compliance: -
Display OF R.C - Every R.P shall display his Certificate of Registration (R.C) in prominent location at his principle place of business and every additional place of business
Display of GST No. – Every R.P shall display his GST no. on the Name Board.
Penalty for not displaying R.C & GST no - Up to 25000.
