While application of FSSAI License , there is a declaration to be given regarding Food Safety and Management System Plan which is as below . TO BE GIVEN ON LETTER HEAD OF THE FIRM
Declaration regarding Food Safety Management System (FSMS)
I ______________________ as PROP. of _______________________________ Located at __________________________________________ .
1. We are an applicant for state license under the food safety and Standards Act (FSS Act) 2006.
2. The Nature of Business of our business is . ( State nature of business - Below is for Restaurants )
· Restaurants
· Beverages, excluding dairy products
· Bakery products
· Confectionery
· Dairy products and analogues, excluding products of food category 2.0
· Meat and meat products including poultry
3. We have a food safety plan to ensure that the articles of food. as mentioned above , satisfy the requirements of the FSS Act, 2006 and the Rules and Regulations thereunder.
4. We further undertake that we shall put in place a Food Safety Management System ( FSMS ) and get the same certified from an Accredited Agency as soon as the Accredited Agencies are notified by the Food Authority.
5. Our facility shall comply with the general hygiene and sanitary requirements as mentioned in the schedule 4 of the Food Safety and Standards ( Licensing and Registration of Food Business) Regulations, 2011.
Place :-
Date :-
FOR _____________________
_______________________ ( PROP.)